Elephant taxonomy


  • Colin P. Groves
  • Peter Grubb


"Essentially a request for skull measurement information this article notes the authors are ""attempting a taxonomic revision of living elephants, using mainly characters of the skull"". They ask that anyone with measurements forward them along with data on the known locality (origin) of the skull plus the sex and approximate age. They note it appears that in Africa the two types africana and cyclotis seem to have quite different measurements (eg cyclotis have shorter, broader rostrum, less mastoid inflation, longer mandibuler symphysis and smaller teeth), but that a few specimens in the museum in Belgian which were collected in Virunga NP appear to be examples of interbreeding. The Asian elephant seem to be of two basic groups also: the mainland or Indian (including Sri Lankan) animals and the insular group generally present in the other range states. The authors provide a list of 20 skull measurements plus several other observations about the rest of the skeleton they they would appreciate."




How to Cite

Groves, C., & Grubb, P. (1986). Elephant taxonomy. Pachyderm, 7(1), 18–18. Retrieved from https://pachydermjournal.org/index.php/pachyderm/article/view/639


